Glanbia’s consumer growth division delivers record-breaking sales this Easter

Easter is the second biggest occasion for cream sales after Christmas and with Level 5 restrictions in place for the second year in a row, Easter 2021 was no different. Given the current restrictions Easter was largely celebrated at home with Avonmore Cream on hand, providing lots of sumptuous recipes and recipe inspiration to create the perfect Easter feast at home!

This year saw the introduction of an exciting new campaign called “Nothing Tops Avonmore Cream”.  This is a new communications platform, designed to generate interest and excitement for Avonmore Cream whilst solidifying Avomore’s position as category leader. “Nothing Tops Avonmore Cream” calls out Avonmore’s quality credentials as the consumer brand of choice for both everyday and special occasions because whether you’re dishing up a show-stopping Easter dessert, whipping up a weekday sweet or rustling up a simple supper, nothing tops Avonmore Cream to bring that extra deliciousness to your dish.

The Easter campaign was fully supported with TV, digital, social media and in-store. Overall Easter 2021 was a huge success, delivering +19% volumes sales vs. Easter 2020, which is strong testament to the cross functional work by all involved in the Easter campaign, especially the consumer sales, marketing and planning teams, along with our Ballitore production site. We look forward to further building on the “Nothing Tops Avonmore Cream” campaign over the following months and providing consumers with lots of sumptuous recipes and occasions to enjoy Avonmore Cream.