Rory Daly, pictured attending an Ireland V Wales rugby game with his Welsh girlfriend


Each month, we put the spotlight on a Glanbia Ireland employee and for our April newsletter we get to know Ballyragget Process Manager Rory Daly

Tell us how long you have worked in Glanbia and a little about your role?
I’ve worked in GI for three years. In December last year, I joined the process technical team which is focused on problem solving and improving efficiencies across the plant. I’m also involved in a project that’s all about producing a functional curd for our sister company, Glanbia Cheese. This curd will be further processed into a finished product by Glanbia Cheese in its Portlaoise facility to create a shreddable mozzarella-style cheese for the pizza industry. Right now, we’re in full-scale production mode. Portlaoise have received their first batch and thankfully, they’re very happy with it.

What’s your favourite thing about working in Glanbia Ireland?
I would describe myself as inquisitive and curious; there are so many different processes going on at any one time that there’s always something to keep you interested and motivated. There’s always something to learn and that’s the part that keeps you coming in every day.

What are you most proud of in your job?
I’m quite a team player and I’m good at binding people together. Working in production, there are of course some tough days but I like to think I help people carry out their tasks with a smile on their face. The friends that I’ve made at Glanbia Ireland are very important to me, as is the camaraderie and the team building aspect that goes with my role.

What do you like to do in your spare time?
Since Covid, I’ve been cooking a lot. I recently signed up for a sprint triathlon that’s set to take place this summer. King of the hill in Kinsale includes running, cycling and swimming and it’s the 800m sea swim that’s the big unknown at the moment. I’ll be thinking of the pint afterwards! My friends and I would never have done something like this before but it’s giving us a goal, something to work towards.

What are you most looking forward to post Covid/lockdown?
Socialising in general. It’s not about going to restaurants or pubs and more about having a chinwag with friends and being able to see their faces. I’m also a big Munster rugby fan. Every year a group of us go to a few away games but of course we have missed the last two years. I’m really looking forward to getting back into a full stadium, watching a rugby match and hearing ‘The Fields of Athenry’!