Brendan Hayes chats to Overherd about his role as Vice Chairman, how technology has revolutionised the industry and his hopes for GI over the next 10 years

Since 1852, the Hayes family have been farming land in Ballyquin, Co. Waterford. Today Brendan Hayes, Vice Chairman at Glanbia Ireland, continues that heritage and tradition in Ballyquin that began over 150 years ago, albeit using slightly different methods. The adoption of technology on the farm means that approximately 200 cows are milked on a robotic milk parlour system, 24-7 and 365 days of the year. “This is our seventh year since installing the robots – embracing technology has really changed and evolved how we farm. It has given me a lot of flexibility with my time which has been an important factor in embracing my role as Vice-Chairman,” says Brendan.

That role at Glanbia Ireland includes supporting the Chairman, keeping in contact with Board colleagues and voicing their concerns and feedback to the Chairman and management team. Supporting each other as a team is an integral part of the role. “It’s not about personal or regional ambition – it’s about the greater good of the Glanbia Ireland organisation and its future direction.” 2020 was a year like no other and presented its own unique set of difficulties. “The lack of face-to-face meetings with people has been a big challenge during the last year. While video conferencing only replaces certain elements of human interaction, I do see it playing a role in the future of how we conduct business. When a short meeting can be conducted over a video call, it frees up time for both farm and family life.”

Brendan is married to Ann and they have three children – Evin, Heather and Gavin. Juggling home life with his responsibilities on the farm and his role as Vice Chairman has been made easier with the adoption of farm technology. “That has definitely helped me in embracing my role as Vice-Chairman and my wife has always been extremely supportive.” As a keen GAA supporter, Brendan makes sure he spends quality time with his kids and attending matches plays a big part in family life.

Brendan’s ambitions in his role as Vice Chairman include driving the business forward and building on past success. “Any change should be driven in a Co-op focused manner. It’s also important that we foster an environment where people build on successful and fulfilling lifelong careers. We’re grateful for the work of the management and business teams in running Glanbia Ireland – there are very unique relationships at all levels of the business.”

Brendan has high hopes for Glanbia Ireland over the next 10 years. “We will continue to be one of the top dairy co-operatives in Europe and will have overcome environmental challenges and responded to customer and consumer demand from a product portfolio perspective. The Co-op ethos will continue to be the backbone of the organisation and will drive the ambition and innovation of the whole Glanbia Ireland team.”