The “I” in D&I can mean different things to different people… watch here to learn more

Promoting D&I at Glanbia Ireland

So what do we mean by Diversity and Inclusion (D&I)?
Diversity refers to the multitude of differences between us, both seen and unseen. Diversity is not simply about race or gender, it’s also about personalities, experiences, ideas, diverse family units, hobbies, career aspirations, lifestyles and identity. When we talk about identity this includes race, gender identity, religion, nationality, body shape or size, age, or sexual orientation and more.

If we don’t have diversity and are more homogenous as a group with similar backgrounds, cultures and identities, we will enjoy greater consensus. However, this can lead to group-think where decisions are based on narrower perspectives and are less representative of people outside “our group”.

D&I isn’t about ticking boxes to fulfil gender or race quotas; it’s about reaping the benefits of employing and listening to a diverse workforce.

Inclusion is the extent to which you feel you belong. An inclusive workplace is one where we can be ourselves, where we feel safe to express opinions and make meaningful contributions. People often say that ‘diversity’ is an invitation to the party, whereas ‘inclusion’ is being asked to dance. Inclusion requires active listening to all voices and the removal of barriers (behaviours, practices, policies etc.) that lead to exclusion.

Why this focus on D&I?
By becoming more diverse and inclusive, we can increase engagement and enhance our reputation as a business and employer. It is proven that inclusion leads to greater collaboration and better problem solving. Through greater listening we enhance creativity and innovation which can lead to better products, processes, quality and safety. D&I doesn’t just bring these benefits; it’s also the right thing to do.

What can you do?
2020 was a year of listening and learning in Glanbia Ireland. As a company we are in the early stages of our ‘inclusion evolution’. In 2020 we completed a company-wide D&I audit, with the assistance of global D&I experts, Mix Diversity. Through this audit, we gathered perspectives from Glanbia employees all over the world. The next step is to improve our awareness and understanding to empower our employees to become champions of inclusion over time.

Rather than beating ourselves up about areas where we fall short in D&I, we can reframe these thoughts to take action. As individuals, we can start by improving our understanding of D&I and instead of feeling guilty or remaining silent, we can reflect on what we can do differently to contribute to a more inclusive workplace.