Branch staff ensure Call & Collect is a success

Due to Covid-19, our network of 52 branches switched to a new Call & Collect model in March, ensuring that our customers continued to get the same high levels of service as before. In May, branches began to re-open in a restricted access capacity with a maximum number of customers permitted to enter each branch at any one time. Again, these changes brought their own challenges but branch staff adjusted quickly to the new ways of doing business.

With the recent move to Level 5, branches have once again returned to the previous Call & Collect model. Once again, branch staff have embraced the change to protect our staff, customers and the vital service they provide for our farming community. The service that the branch provides to the local community has also been acknowledged by customers who have showed their gratitude by dropping in gifts for staff at several branch locations! To be recognised by your customers is truly rewarding.

Brian Molloy and the team in New Ross ran the online service throughout the lockdown, dispatching huge numbers of orders. They’re now dealing with another lockdown where volumes have increased again. The sales figures delivered through New Ross have been nothing short of phenomenal, given the fact that New Ross has its own customer base which also has to be served. Well done to Brian, Jim and the full New Ross team for working endless hours, ensuring the level of service of our online channel remained at a high standard and for delivering record breaking sales!


For a time, Campile had the highest number of Covid cases of any town or village in Co Wexford. Unable to visit their doctor, people flocked to Bernie’s pharmacy for both information and medication. Bernie and the team also experienced a difficult time when the local nursing room had a substantial number of Covid cases and also, very sadly a large number of deaths. Many who passed away were local to Campile and Bernie and her team kept the nursing home supplied with critical care advice and medicines right though the period. They have also managed to keep the whole team in Campile safe and Covid free since the start of the pandemic. What an achievement!

Well done to all the branch staff, horticulturists and to the pharmacy team in Campile for the phenomenal work achieved in what has been a very challenging year to date!