Join the 3M Revolution!

3M stands for Measure – Meet – Manage

Within Glanbia Ireland we use 3M to measure business performance and align all employees with our business strategy. This is achieved through a tiered meeting structure that gives everyone on the team an opportunity to fully engage, prioritise and help “Find a better way”.

2020 has seen the start of a 3M revolution across Glanbia Ireland, with 57 teams setting up their 3M dashboard and meetings. Concurrently, another 34 teams from Operations & Supply Chain committed to either setting up a 3M process or improving their current one.

To help advertise the benefits of using 3M as a management mindset, we are launching a new 3M video that gives an overview of what 3M is and why we use it as a tool to enable our employees to be successful in their role.

The 3M process fosters the ‘Winning Together’ spirit through teamwork and collaboration while the 3M meeting focuses the team on work that has the most positive impact for the business, thereby enabling the Glanbia Ireland to be successful in securing the future of our business.

The GPS team are available and on hand to support your team to incorporate 3M into your daily work. Reach out for support to become part of the Glanbia Ireland 3M community.

Want to find out more about 3M? Please take a few minutes to check out our new animated video and feel free to share it with your colleagues.