Glanbia Direct positions GI to meet B2B buyer omnichannel expectations

The rate of digital adoption has quickened over the last year. Google says we have probably experienced the equivalent of 10 years’ worth of change. During this time, collaboration tools for work have been embraced, e-commerce has grown in importance and the expectations of B2B buyers have changed. According to a recent report from McKinsey, B2B buyers are not just moving to omnichannel, they have arrived. Given the choice of in-person, remote and e- commerce channels, purchasers have shown they want them all.

McKinsey’s research shows that omnichannel is not simply a trend or a pandemic workaround – it is an important fixture for B2B sales globally. In March 2020, as part of our digital enablement journey, we launched Glanbia Direct, our online B2B sales platform that gives customers 24/7 access to our primary ingredient portfolio.

One year later, the platform has delivered over €20 million in sales revenue and over 8,500mt of ingredients have been sold. In terms of recent developments, Glanbia Direct has now been integrated into the ingredients website.

Current research, trends and insights report that omnichannel interactions and experiences are now the preferred path for B2B buyers and decision makers. Glanbia Direct positions us to meet these expectations with a branded platform that places us at the forefront of today’s trading world.