Jayne with her dog Kygo


Each month, we put the spotlight on a Glanbia Ireland employee and for our May newsletter, we spoke to Agronomist Jayne Smyth

Tell us how long you have worked in Glanbia and a little about your role?
I’ve worked in Glanbia since 2011. I worked part-time from 2011 to 2016 in the Kilberry and Athboy branches. In 2018, I started my current role as an agronomist. In this role, I provide technical advice to tillage farmers in relation to crop husbandry. I work in the North East of Ireland, which includes the counties Meath, Louth and Dublin.

Your department is one of the lesser-known teams in GI; tell us a bit about what the team looks after
We provide technical advice to tillage farmers in relation to crop husbandry. This includes soil nutrient advice, fertiliser requirements, identifying pests and identifying diseases in crops. We also look after all commercial transactions with our customers including selling them inputs to grow the crops e.g. fertiliser, seed and chemicals. We also trade grain with our customers, which involves customers selling their produce to Glanbia. The tillage team consists of 10 agronomists including myself.

What is your favourite thing about working in Glanbia Ireland?
The people that I work with, both in the North East and the tillage team. Teamwork is essential, especially for me personally. I work really well in a team and the people I work with in Glanbia Ireland are more like friends than work colleagues. I am very grateful to be in a job that I do not see as ‘’work’’, it’s just a way of life for me. The saying ‘’Do what you love and you will never work another day in your life’’ may be a bit of a cliché but I thoroughly agree with this statement!

What are you most proud of in your job?
Building relationships with growers to produce high quality and high yielding crops. Each season throws new challenges and keeps the job exciting but by working together, we achieve the best possible result for both Glanbia Ireland and the grower.

How do you describe GI to friends or family outside of work?
Glanbia Ireland is Ireland’s largest buyer of native grains and largest dairy processor. It’s Ireland’s largest supplier of farm inputs and the majority of our customers/suppliers are co-op shareholders.

What do you like to do in your spare time?
I like to help on farms. I also spend time with my dog Kygo. There is nothing better than an evening run with Kygo to clear my head after a day at work.

What are you most looking forward to post Covid/lockdown?
I am most looking forward to going on holidays with my partner and Kygo as Kygo loves the beach. I am also looking forward to being able to catch up with friends and family who I have not seen as often because of the lockdown. The hairdressers opening will also be an added bonus!