Join us as we celebrate International Women’s Day on March the 8th

Why International Women’s Day is important to us
Creating a diverse and inclusive workplace will play an important role in the development of our Glanbia Ireland culture. Through a more inclusive approach we can improve employee engagement, build our reputation as an employer and showcase our business to our customers as an ethical Global supplier. In 2021 we will begin to activate our D&I strategy by reassessing, not only how we recruit and develop, but how we behave to reflect a more inclusive ethos. 2021 will focus significantly on education and awareness to help us develop a culture where we celebrate individuality, knowing that together we are better. It is in this context that, along with organisations around the world, we will raise awareness of the D&I agenda by celebrating diversity in its many forms. First up is International Women’s Day which falls on the 8th of March.

Origins of International Women’s Day
This celebration originated from the trade union movement in America in the early 20th century, particularly in the activism of the women who worked in the clothing industry “sweatshops” of the time. In 1907, the women held a “Hunger March” in New York in protest at the dangerous working conditions. The police attacked the march, and the following year on March the 8th 1908, a commemorative march was held. This date is now recognised by the United Nations as International Women’s day, the purpose of which is to celebrate the achievements of women, raising awareness against bias, and crucially, taking action for equality every day.

How we will celebrate
This year we ask all people of all genders to use the opportunity, on March the 8th, to engage and self-educate, but most importantly to take some time out to recognise the achievements of the women around you, whether at work or at home and consider what opportunities you can avail of to listen, observe and take action to promote equality in your surroundings.

Please keep an eye out across our various communications channels for more updates on International Women’s Day.