January 2020 has been a busy month for the Consumer Growth Category with two exciting promotions running on our value-added milk range, thus getting the year off to a strong start!

Avonmore Protein Milk ‘BRING YOUR ALL’ Campaign
Avonmore Protein Milk has kicked the year off with an exciting campaign titled “Bring Your All”. The “Bring Your All” campaign recognises that the Protein Milk audience, “Generation Fit”, brings 100% effort to everything in sport, exercise and life. The campaign reflects how our target audience has adapted their fitness routine during Covid-19 despite gyms, clubs and sports grounds being closed. The campaign’s first heavy burst of activity kicked off on January 20th and will run for six weeks across various mediums such as digital out-of-home screens, Spotify, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Tik Tok, along with influencer partnerships and sampling drops to personal trainers. A second heavy burst of communications will follow in September.


Avonmore Slimline Milk on-pack promotion
Looking after your health and wellness has never been more important; whether that’s going for a run, doing an online yoga class, catching up with a friend on Zoom or just staying comfy while working from home. With this in mind, Avonmore Slimline Milk has launched an on-pack promotion giving consumers a chance to win €150 of active wear so they can look and feel their best! This exciting on-pack promotion is supported with a heavyweight marketing campaign including OOH, a radio promotion on 2FM, print advertising, influencer marketing, digital display and social media advertising.