Operation Biodiversity

Malachy Doherty, Horticulturalist at Glanbia CountryLilfe Dungarvan, on GI’s latest sustainable initiative

We’re delighted to be spearheading our latest sustainability initiative, Operation Biodiversity, which is focused on making a long-term difference to our environment by planting 100,000 Irish native trees and hedging plants across Ireland. We’re really excited about this new programme which builds on the strong foundations we’ve already put in place through our earlier initiatives, Operation PolliNation and Operation WildNation. Operation Biodiversity is supported by our Ambassadors, renowned environmental educator and broadcaster, Éanna Ní Lamhna and award-winning farmer, Bryan Daniels. The initiative is supported by the All-Ireland Pollinator Plan.
As part of Operation Biodiversity, Glanbia Ireland has already begun donating significant volumes of Irish trees and hedging plants to customers at our 14 CountryLife Garden Centres. Our tree and hedgerow bundles to suit different soil types and terrains can also be ordered through any of our 52 branches.

Join us and win!

We’d like each and every one of you to join us and take part in Operation Biodiversity by planting a single tree in your garden, or availing of our bundles of hedgerows and tree offers where you have more space.

To spur you along, we have 10 prizes of two specimen trees to offer to those who would like to take part. All you have to do is answer this question – Name one of our Operation Biodiversity Ambassadors

Please send your answer to [email protected] and include your name and nearest CountryLife branch from which you’d like to pick up your prize.

Learn more about Operation Biodiversity on www.glanbiaconnect.com or check out my “How To” videos on glanbiaconnect YouTube