Glanbia Consumer Growth team hits Christmas Cream Target!

Despite a very challenging Christmas due to the early closure of the hospitality sector, congratulations to the Glanbia Consumer Growth team on achieving the Christmas Cream Target.

Christmas 2020 was anything but straightforward with a lot of unknowns regarding Covid restrictions, shopping and consumer purchase patterns. Despite these challenges however, the Consumer Growth team achieved the 2020 Christmas Cream target with retail sales compensating for the loss of trade in the hospitality sector due to early closures in this sector.

Within retail, multiples, convenience sector and discounters were all ahead of target vs F2. Whipped cream performed especially well with a particularly strong performance from Baileys Whipped Cream. All other cream sectors (Fresh, Double etc.) performed very well with the exception of Bulk cream due to the closure of the hospitality sector. Cream produced for this area was diverted into contract caterers and bakeries.

The Cream Programme was strongly supported with a heavyweight consumer and trade campaign, which included an up-weighted digital plan to ensure we had strong reach across all demographics. The programme performed extremely well, exceeding all metrics with strong engagement across all digital channels, driving strong brand awareness and salience in the lead up to Christmas.

Despite a challenging period, all elements of the campaign worked extremely well with a huge cross functional team across operations, planning, logistics, marketing, customer and field sales teams working right through the Christmas break delivering a superb result!
