Get To Know … John Murphy GI’S new Chairman

James Brennan, Farmer Communications Manager, chats to Glanbia Ireland’s new Chairman John Murphy about his new role and his ambitions for the business

It’s over 100 years since a group of farmers helped organise the setting up of a group of local Co-ops in the Co Wexford area to help raise incomes and provide a livelihood for their families. For John Murphy, who farms at Ballinacoola, Craanford, Co Wexford, being appointed Chairman has been an honour and a lifetime ambition, after being involved with Glanbia Co-op for many years.

“The Glanbia family holds a very special place for me. My great grandfather was involved with a group of ambitious pioneering farmers who in 1908 formed a local co-op that is part of Glanbia family today. Now, I have the privilege of seeing the fruits of those visionary farmers,” John said. “They had nothing but they had a dream and ambition. It is stories like these that are the seeds of what Glanbia is today.

“I have been on the Board 10 years now. The Vice Chairman role was a big step-up, but Chairman is a different league with regards time.

”At the same time I am milking 300 cows across two farming units, life is busy and getting that work-life balance is always important. It is hard to have a typical day, when these are not typical times. It’s been a couple of intense weeks as I settle into my new role. Taking time out with my wife Mary and daughter Alia (aged 11) is an important part of every week.”


Ambitions for the future

Remaining an ambitious, progressive company is key, says John. “This will take innovation and investment in our business and must in turn benefit all our stakeholders – our employees, our shareholders and our customers. I like to think of our key stakeholders as a three-legged stool – suppliers, employees and customers – we fall over without the support of each leg – none more important than the other.”

The Chairman also has a strong interest in the many employee programmes around Learning and Development and Diversity and Inclusion. “Glanbia must be a place where people work with pride and values, are rewarded appropriately while in a safe, inclusive and sustainable environment. It should be fun.”

As Chairman, John says he must work to ensure we strive for consensus in our decision-making and ensure we all have healthy discussion and debate. “In 2030 I would hope that Glanbia will still be the benchmark company to which others aspire to emulate. Suppliers, both milk and grain, will be handsomely rewarded for their work and output – the best people will want to join our ranks and a growing diverse customer base will continue to see us as their most valued partner.”

Getting to know our Co-Operative Society

Glanbia Co-operative Society is Ireland’s number one co-operative, with 11,000 farmer members. The society has 11 regions and 39 area and regional committees with up to 780 members participating. This structure acts as a mechanism for communication between members and the board and management of the Society.

“I would like to take this opportunity to introduce to you to my fellow Vice Chairmen Pat Murphy and Brendan Hayes. On behalf of Glanbia Co-op, I would also like to thank the outgoing Chairman Martin Keane for his commitment and dedication to his role as Chairman for the last two years.

Finally, I would ask our employees to continue to represent Glanbia with pride and honesty – continue to bring new ideas and opportunities that challenge our business and push the boundaries for our ambitious Board.”